Getting Back To Exercise After Covid – Try BOARD30, Low Impact – High Results

Now that more people have received the Covid-19 vaccine and restrictions have started to lift, we’ve gotten more questions about the BOARD30 workout.
“How would it be for someone who hasn’t done any type of exercise in over a year.”
“I gained extra weight over the pandemic, can I do this workout?”
“I am 60 years old with bad knees. Can this workout be modified for me?”
The BOARD30 workout is effective for anyone with one or more of these concerns, as well as for an experienced athlete. How is that possible? Because almost every exercise has modifications and adjustments that can be made to increase or decrease the intensity. For instance, instead of jumping on certain exercises, you can stay on the ground doing squats. You can also adjust the difficulty of the resistance bands to meet the level of workout you need (plus the resistance bands are beneficial for your joints and mobility).
We know it can be intimidating to get back into a workout routine and face the fear of judgment, especially if you haven’t exercised for awhile or have an injury. At BOARD30 ABQ there is no judgment. Our instructors are here to help you find success in each class and become stronger—both mentally and physically.
We are all about consistency, helping you to better yourself and having fun. Finding a workout you love is a critical factor to sticking with it and making it a routine. We think you’ll love the BOARD30 workout and hope you’ll give it a try! Find more information on our program and classes check out our website!